Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And She Gave Herself Away

This wonderful poem is submitted by Peggy Blake, whom I had the pleasure to meet and share dreams with at Robert Moss's Active Dreaming workshop in Mystic, Ct last month. I am honored that she felt inspired to put pen to paper and craft her very own poem as a result of one I wrote and shared at that workshop, "And She Gives." And I'm thrilled that she has offered to join me on the Dreaming Poetry blog, giving voice to her own life experience and dreaming poetry.... Here is her touching poem:

And She Gave Herself Away

Reflections fill her as she recalls,
The life she gave to her fatherless kids.
She saw her own dreams turn to vapor,
Quick as a hail storm on hot metal grids.

Left with no home and hardly a dime,
With five hungry boys, like crows on a fence.
Telling herself her purpose in life,
Was to put them first, at any expense.

Spending her honor roll potential,
She showed them big smiles while she hid her sobs.
She wiped their noses and packed each lunch,
While she rushed to work, most often two jobs.

No time to feed her very own needs,
Facing bills piled high that threatened more loss.
Laundry seemed like an army in mud,
While mountains of meatballs simmered in sauce.

Boys turned to men, while Love was her fuel,
She felt it worthwhile, her mission complete.
Her aging bones are warm to the core,
Tasting this victory is ever so sweet.

She knows that she gave herself away,
She's without a stage and can't take a bow.
Though funds are spent, her heart overflows.
She's giving herself to grandchildren now.

~Peggy Blake, 12/15/08

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Once Upon the Middle of the Night

Once upon the middle of the night

A dreamer's mystical dream takes flight

She happily journeys through space and times
To a magical schoolhouse where life rhymes

A kind dream wizard leads enLightning games
Robert Moss, the mortal name he claims

Children become warrior, goddess and bear
Spellbound, they enter a multiverse shared

In color, they draw, play-act, and dream
Experiencing all cultures, one unified team

In light of day, she wrote it all down,
Thrilled the scene was her own hometown

She shared with dreampals, near and far
When Robert read it, he gave it a star

"The story flows true," is what he said
"Except where there's 'Robert,' try 'Robin' instead"

The dreamer awoke - to the power of dreams
Knowing her vision might be as it seems

Honoring a map that's way off the chart
She plots a course straight from the heart

A dreamer is dreaming inside everyone
The truths they tell us yet barely begun.

~Robin O'Neal, 10/08

Learn more about Robert Moss, his books and courses at www.mossdreams.com.
* Join the online dream forum, sponsored by Spirituality & Health magazine.
*Be the first to register for the Cincinnati workshop, "The Healing Power of Story," and get Robert Moss' recently released hardcover book, The Secret History of Dreaming, FREE.

To register, email roknrobinwrites@mac.com or call me, Robin, at 513-659-3356.
More info can be found here.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Becoming - a dramatic reading

this is more like "praying poetry"...
A dramatic reading written for youth at Wellspring Community Church Youth Retreat

Find me, God

Find me here where I am, where I am now
Find my body and my burdens,
my will and my way

Show me, God
Show me who I am, who I am not,
what I am, what I am not

Show me God,
Show me who You are, all You are
Show me who I am in You, who You are in me

All of You, all of me,
All of me in You, all of me in You.
Crucify me, God
Fill me with Your light, Your truth

Send angels,
Open heaven,
Touch me with your voice,
Transform me with your word -
Transform me from the inside out,
the outside in,
over and over and over again

Send angels,
Open heaven,
Touch me with your voice,
Transform me with your word
From the inside out,
the outside in,
over and over,
over and over,
over and over and over again

Lord Jesus, receive my spirit
and fill me with Yours
Receive my spirit,
Fill me with Yours

How do I tell them, God?
Help others to see?
How do I show them, God?
Help them to hear?

You are everything… everyone… everywhere
Every tree, every bird,
every rich, every poor,
every seen, every unseen,
every baby, every child,
every woman, every man,
every rock, every field,
every ocean, every sky,
every death, every life

Your death gives us life.
Your death gives us life.
Your death gives. us. life.

My life is in You,
hiding in You

Appear in me
so they can see
Appear in me
with glory!

Take off this old self, put on new
Take off this old self, put on new

Take off lies and anger
Take off anger and rage
Take off rage and malice
Take the filthy words from my lips

And clothe me
Clothe me with compassion and kindness
Clothe me with kindness and humility
Clothe me with humility and gentleness
Clothe me with gentleness and patience

Cover me in love, love, LOVE
Bind me in chains of love
Love not about me and all about You
Your unbreakable chain of love
that connects us all

Bind me in chains of love
Your chain of love
that connects us all

Free me in your chain
Free me in your Love
Free. me. in. You.

~Robin O’Neal, 12/3/08